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Leadership & Contributors

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Elissa Epel, PhD


Professor and Vice-Chair 

Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health


George Slavich, PhD

Associate Director 

Professor of Psychiatry & Biobehavioral Sciences 


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Wendy Berry Mendes, PhD


Charles C. & Dorathea S. Dilley Professor

Psychology Department

Yale University

Yoobin Park, PhD

Executive Director 

Postdoctoral Scholar 

Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, UCSF

Aric Prather, PhD

Associate Director


Center for Health and Community,


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Ryan L. Brown, PhD

Director of Scientific Communications 

Assistant Professor

Department of Human Development and Family Sciences

Texas Tech University

Administrative Staff

Elena Fromer

Lab Manager I Senior Clinical Research Coordinator 

Center for Health and Community 





Jillian Grialou

Clinical Research Coordinator 

Center for Health and Community 



Lucy Kho

Clinical Research Coordinator 

Center for Health and Community 


In Loving Memory

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Nancy Adler, PhD
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Bruce McEwen, PhD

Drs. Nancy Adler and Bruce McEwen were major contributors to the Stress Measurement Network as former members of the Scientific Advisory Board. They were pioneers in the field of Stress Science and exceptional mentors to many in the field. They each worked tirelessly over decades with rigorous science, policy, and advocacy for health equity and their impacts will continue to live on.

Scientific Advisory Board

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Michelle Albert, MD, MPH


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Eileen Crimmins, PhD


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Jinkook Lee, PhD


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David Almeida, PhD

Penn State

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Don Edmondson, PhD, MPH


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Eric Loucks, PhD


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Ken Covinsky, MD, MPH


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Laura Kubzansky, PhD

Harvard University

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Brent Roberts, PhD

University of Illinois

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Joe Schwartz, PhD


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Julian Thayer, PhD

UC Irvine

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Joshua Smyth, PhD

Penn State

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Michael Weiner, MD


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Andrew Steptoe, DPhil DSc

University College London


Network Contributors

Adolfo Cuevas, Phd

Alan Kraut,PhD

Aleksandra Vicentic, PhD

Alexandra Crosswell, PhD

Alex Shackman, PhD

Alia Crum, PhD

Alison Holman, PhD

Amie Gordon, PhD

Amy Gentzler, PhD

Amy Sanchez, PhD

Ana Diex- Roux, PhD

Anda Gershon, PhD

Andrea Danese, PhD

Andreas Meyer-Lindenberg, PhD

Andreas Olsson, PhD

Andrew Steptoe, PhD

Angus Surachman, PhD

Ann Kring, PhD

Anna Marsland, PhD

Annemarie Wentzel, PhD

Ans Vercammen, PhD

Antonio Damasio, PhD

Aoife O'Donovan, PhD

Aric Prather, PhD

Ashley Mason, PhD

Atsunobu Suzuki, PhD

Barbara Laraia, PhD

Batja Mesquita, PhD

Belinda Needham, PhD

Brett Ford, PhD

Brianna Natale, PhD

Bruce McEwen, PhD

Bruce Miller, PhD

CarienVan Reekum, PhD

Carmine Pariante, PhD

Carol Worthman, PhD

Carter Lebares, MD

Casey Brown, PhD

Catherine Monk, PhD

Catherine Ortner, PhD

Cathy Widom, PhD

Chris Dunkel Schetter, PhD

Christen Deveney, PhD

Christina Maslach, PhD

Christina Ottaviani, PhD

Christine Rabinak, PhD

Christopher Coe, PhD

Christopher Oveis, PhD

Cindy Bergeman, PhD

CJ Concepcion, BA

Claudia Buss, Phd

Clemens Kirschbaum, PhD

Connor Martz, MS

Constance Hammen, PhD

Crystal Park, PhD

Dacher Keltner, PhD 

Daniel Foti, PhD

Daniel Gilbert, PhD

Danielle Roubinov, PhD

Darlene Francis, PhD

Darwin A. Guevarra, PhD

David Almeida, PhD

David Cella, PhD

David Chae, PhD

David Creswell, PhD

David Newman, PhD

David Reiss, PhD

Deborah Karasek, PhD

Dennis Karasek, PhD

Derek Isaacowitz, PhD

Diamond Cunningham, MPH

Dustin Goerlitz, PhD

Eileen Crimmins, PhD

Ekaterina Guvva, BS

Elena Fromer, BS

Eli Puterman, PhD

Elissa Epel, PhD

Elizabeth Bachen, PhD

Elizabeth Martin, PhD

Elizabeth Phelps, PhD

Elliott Berkman, PhD

Emma Blackson MPH

Erica Doe, M.S.W

Erica Musser, PhD

Erika Siegel, PhD

Erin Nakahara, BS

Erin Sheets, PhD

Eve Ekman, PhD

Forest Rodgers, PhD



Gary Evans, PhD

George Bonanno, PhD

George Slavich, PhD

Greg Miller, PhD

Greg Siegle, PhD

Gregory Miller, PhD

Hanah Chapman, PhD

Harry T. Reis, PhD

Heather Urry, PhD

Hedy Kober, PhD

Heidi Hanna, PhD

Helena Karnilowicz, PhD

Herb Meiselman, PhD

Hideki Ohira, PhD

Hillel Aviezer, PhD

Hochschule Berlin

Hugo Critchley, PhD

Ian Gotlib, PhD

Ioannis Pavlidis, PhD

Iris Mauss, PhD

James abelson, PhD

James Amirkhan, PhD

James Gross, PhD

James Smith, PhD

Jamil Zaki, PhD

Jan Kiecolt-Glaser, Phd

Janice Kiecolt-Glaser, PhD

Jeanne Brooks-Gunn, PhD

Jeanne Tsai, PhD

Jeff Cohn, PhD

Jeffrey Huntsinger, PhD

Jenna Wells, PhD

Jennie Noll, PhD

Jennifer Felder, PhD

Jennifer Yokoyama, PhD

Jerry Clore, PhD

Jessica Tracy, PhD

Jinkook Lee, PhD

Johannes Laferton, PhD

Johannes Siegrist, PhD

John Jost, PhD

Joon Yun, PhD

Jos Brosschot, PhD

Josh Woolley, PhD

Joshua Buckholtz, PhD

Judith Carroll, PhD

Jue Lin, PhD

Julia O'Bryan, BS

Julian Thayer, PhD

Julie Bower, PhD

Karen Quigley, PhD

Karen Weihs, PhD

Kate McLaughlin, PhD

Katerina Protsenko, PhD

Katie E. Alegria, PhD

Katrina Abuabara, Phd

Keely Muscatell, PhD

Kerth O'Brien, PhD

Kevin Ochsner, PhD

Kevin Smith, PhD

Kimberly Livingstone, PhD

Kimberly Lockwood, PhD

Kristen Lindquist , PhD

Kristin Aschbacher, PhD

Kristina Olson, PhD

Laura Carstensen, PhD

Laura Kubzansky, PhD

Lauren Atlas, PhD

Lauren Whitehurst, PhD

Leońe Malan, PhD

Lian Bloch, PhD

Linda Levine, PhD

Lira Yoon, PhD

Lisa Barrett, PhD

Lisa Fredman, PhD

Lisa Williams, PhD

Lisbeth Nielsen, PhD

Luis Armando Parra, PhD

Mahasin Mujahid, PhD

Maital Neta, PhD

Marc Schulz, PhD

Margaret Kemeny, PhD

Margaret Sheridan, PhD

Margee Kerr, PhD

Maria Kurth, PhD

Mariann Weierich, PhD

Maribeth Champoux, PhD

Mario Liotti, PhD

Mark Ellenbogen, PhD

Mark Hatzenbuehler, PhD

Mark Laudenslager, PhD

Marsha Shenk, PhD

Martin Teicher, PhD




Megan Goldring, PhD

Megan Gunnar, PhD

Michael Ennis, PhD

Michael Lewis, PhD

Michael Trujillo, PhD

Moran Cerf, PhD

Morgan Levine, PhD

Nancy Adler, PhD

Nancy McElwain, PhD

Natalie Slopen, PhD

Niall Bolger, PhD

Nicolas Rohleder, PhD

Nicole Prause, PhD

Nikko Da Paz, PhD

Nikola Stenzel, PhD

Nim Tottenham, PhD

Omer Van den Bergh, PhD

Ozlem Ayduk, PhD

Pathik Wadhwa, PhD

Patricia Churchland, PhD

Paul Hastings, PhD

Paula Niedenthal, PhD

Peter Elias, PhD

Peter Gianaros, PhD

Peter Vitaliano, PhD

Phoebe Ellsworth, PhD

Piercarlo Valdesolo, PhD

Piotr Winkielman, PhD

Pranjal Mehta, PhD

Rachel Radin, PhD

Ralph Catalano, PhD

Ravi Thiruchselvam, PhD

Rebecca Dileo, PhD

Rebecca Ferrer, PhD

Renee Thompson, PhD

Richard Davidson, PhD

Richard Lane, PhD

Robert Levenson, PhD

Roland von Kanel, PhD

Ronald Dahl, PhD

Rosalind Picard, PhD

Ross Buck, PhD

Roxane Silver, PhD

Ruth Lanius, PhD

Sandro Galea, PhD

Sara Algoe, PhD

Sara Sagui-Henson, PhD

Sara Verosky, PhD

Sarah Cavanagh, PhD

Sarah Lowe, PhD

Scott Monroe, PhD

Sheldon Cohen, PhD

Shelley Taylor, PhD

Sheri Johnson, PhD

Sheyda Zebarjadian, BA

Sierra Semko, BA

Sonja Entringer, PhD

Sophia Vinogradov, PhD

Spencer Lynn, PhD

Stacey Schaefer, PhD

Stacy Marsella, PhD

Stefanie Mayer, PhD

Steve Cole, PhD

Steve Suomi, PhD

Steven Horvath, PhD

Susan Clayton, PhD

Susanne Fischer, PhD

Suzanne Segerstorm, PhD

Tammy English, PhD

Tara Gruenewald, PhD

Teaghan Hogg, PhD

Teresa Seeman, PhD

Tessa West, PhD

Theodora Mauro, PhD

Thomas Kamarck, PhD

Thomas LaVeist, PhD

Thomas Neylan, PhD

Uchechi Mitchell, PhD

Virginia Sturm, PhD

Wendy d'Andrea, PhD

Wendy Berry Mendes, PhD

Yarrow Dunham, PhD

Yukiyasu Kamitani, PhD

Zeynep (Z) Tozum, PhD


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