Announcing the winners of the Stress Science Paper of the Year
Post Doctoral Fellowship at UCSF in Health Pscyhology/Stress
Announcing the winners of the Stress Science Paper of the Year
It is our pleasure to announce the winners of the first annual Stress Science Paper of the Year Award! There were three categories considered and a winner and honorable mention for each category. The first and second place papers for each category are announced below:
Basic research/animal models
First place:
Honorable Mention:
Empirical human/clinical research
First place:
Lewis, T. T., Parker, R., Murden, R., Spikes, T., Erving, C., McKinnon, I. I., Van Dyke, M. E., Booker, B., Quyummi, A., Vaccarino, V., & Moore, R. H. (2023). Network stressors, personal stressors, and ambulatory blood pressure in African-American women—Does superwoman schema play a role? Health Psychology, 42(7), 485–495. https://doi.org/10.1037/hea0001309
Honorable Mention:
Almeida, D. M., Rush, J., Mogle, J., Piazza, J. R., Cerino, E., & Charles, S. T. (2023). Longitudinal change in daily stress across 20 years of adulthood: Results from the national study of daily experiences. Developmental Psychology, 59(3), 515–523. https://doi.org/10.1037/dev0001469
New methods/theory/review
First place:
Smyth, J. M., Zawadzki, M. J., Marcusson-Clavertz, D., Scott, S. B., Johnson, J. A., Kim, J., Toledo, M. J., Stawski, R. S., Sliwinski, M. J., & Almeida, D. M. (2023). Computing Components of Everyday Stress Responses: Exploring Conceptual Challenges and New Opportunities. Perspectives on psychological science,18(1), 110–124. https://doi.org/10.1177/17456916221082108
Honorable Mention:
Slavich, G. M., Roos, L. G., Mengelkoch, S., Webb, C. A., Shattuck, E. C., Moriarity, D. P., & Alley, J. C. (2023). Social Safety Theory: Conceptual foundation, underlying mechanisms, and future directions. Health Psychology Review, 17(1), 5–59. https://doi.org/10.1080/17437199.2023.2171900
Nomination and review procedure:
Nominations were accepted via email and our web platform between January and March of 2024 for papers that were accepted for publication in 2023.
Nominated papers were first divided into three paper categories:
Basic research/animal models
Empirical human/clinical research
New methods/theory/review
The directors of the stress network then scored each of the papers independently across three criteria: 1) quality and design, 2) novelty, and 3) potential impact on the field. These scores were then averaged for a total score. When the directors' scores were consistent for the top two papers, those were selected as the winner and honorable mention for that category. When these scores differed or were tied, the post docs and associate directors of the SMN were asked to read and score those papers to determine the final selection. In the cases where a director had a conflict of interest because they were a co-author of a nominated paper, that director recused themselves from the review process for that paper.
March 25, 2021
Emotional Well-being Network and Stress Measurement Network: Request for Proposals
Accepting applications until November 5, 2021

Two research networks funded by the National Institutes of Health are requesting proposals for projects that utilize large scale cohort studies to examine psychological predictors and correlates of health and aging. The Network for Emotional Well-being: Science, Practice, and Measurement, a collaborative project between UCSF, UC Berkeley, and Harvard, in partnership with the NIA-funded Stress Measurement Network, will support several projects via grant funding of up to $15,000 per project.
March 25, 2021
Summer Workshop: Introduction to Health and Retirement Study Virtual Training
Workshop dates: June 7-11, 2021
Register now!

The Health and Retirement Study (HRS) 5-day virtual Institute in Survey Research Techniques Workshop is intended to give participants an introduction to the study that will enable them to use the data for research. HRS is a large-scale longitudinal study with more than 20 years of data on the labor force participation and health transitions that individuals undergo toward the end of their work lives and in the years that follow. The data training portion of the training assumes some familiarity with SAS or STATA. Visit the event website for more information and to register. The cost of the 5-day course is $550.
February 17, 2021
Capturing exposure and distress of dementia caregivers across India

Drs. Alexandra Crosswell and Elissa Epel of the Stress Measurement Network leadership team have partnered with Dr. Jinkook Lee, PI of the Longitudinal Aging Study in India (LASI) study, to recruit dementia caregivers into the LASI study. Launching in June 2021, family caregivers of dementia participants will complete cognitive and psychosocial measures capturing the duration, intensity, and psychological impact of their caregiving. There are also numerous items that were chosen to overlap with items from the National Study of Caregiving, allowing for the potential of cross-cultural comparison. Here you can find the description of the survey battery developed (and reasoning for the item selection). For questions or to collaborate on analyses, please email Alexandra.Crosswell@ucsf.edu.
October 21, 2020
in Health Psychology and Stress

The Stress Measurement Network at the University of California, San Francisco seeks a postdoctoral scholar to contribute to ongoing research in stress science.
June 10th, 2020
Request for Proposals - Apply Now!

The National Institute on Environmental Sciences and National Institute of Aging have funded a new Telomere Measurement Network. In 2020, 2021 and 2022, we will support up to five projects that address scientific gaps in relation to telomere length as it applies to epidemiological research. The projects can include secondary analyses of large samples (>300) that examine novel questions about the relation between TL and health and/or TL and exposure.
Past Opportunities and Events
April 24, 2023

Post Doctoral Fellowship at UCSF in Health Pscyhology/Stress
Accepting applications until May 15th, 2023
The Stress Network is seeking a postdoctoral fellow with interests in stress science, including in the areas of racism and race-related stress, climate change distress, short term or experimental interventions, and physiological and cellular measures of stress. The postdoctoral scholar will have a strong mentorship team and the opportunity to work on a range of projects, while focusing on developing their independent research program and grant writing skills. They will spend a small amount of time helping oversee the administration of the Stress Network.