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Stress Typology

Our Network has developed a taxonomy of terms (the ‘Stress Typology’) as a first step toward providing a common language, including descriptive dimensions of exposure and responses to stress. The purpose of this tool is to highlight the important conceptual dimensions of stress relevant to the study of health and well-being. The stress typology guide should be used in abstracts and measures within papers on stress.



How to use the Stress Typology Guide 


Researchers describing any type of psychological stress should use this as a reference guide for how to describe the stressor exposure and response, as well as a tool during study development to make sure key aspects of the stressor of interest are being captured. Using consistent language when describing the aspects of stress and its measurement – and using a theoretical lens to do so – is important in order to build cumulative science of stress and to harmonize around critical theoretical dimensions. The Typology can be downloaded by clicking the green 'Stress Typology Guide" button above (Version date: March 22, 2018). 


Reference for use of Typology:

Crosswell, A. D., Epel, E. S., Mendes, W. B., & Prather, A. A. (2022). Improving the Language Specificity of Stress in Psychological and Population Health Science. Psychosomatic medicine, 84(5), 643–644. 


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